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There are days it feels like we are alone, like no one else it trying to do the right thing. The best way to overcome these feelings is to surround yourself with people who also love God, who can have fun, and who are looking for a sense of belonging purpose. That's literally what a youth group is! We'd love for you to be part of it with us!
EnJOYment activities

A great gift we can give our kids is positive influential friendships. Our youth group spends time together learning more about God, but they also spend time having fun. Bowling, float trips, movies, and games are just some of the activities that become more enjoyable when surrounded by kids who are trying to live a positive and purposeful life.


Devotion is love or enthusiasm for a person or activity. on Sunday nights our teens get together for a meal and time of growing more in love with God and His people. 

Summer Youth Series

Being out of school is fun, but we miss seeing our friends. One night a week kids from all over the area get together to sing praises to God, hear a message from his word, eat together and spend time in fellowship with each other. 


Leadership is a great program designed to help our young people learn to serve in the church. It gives kids all kinds of opportunities to learn to work and grow in God's kingdom. skills that are taught include puppets, song leading, power point, art, radio message delivery and Bible reading. This helps kids develop the talents they have and discover how they can use them to glorify God. christfor training

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